lungo - black

Sarah Kaye Ceramics_00769.jpg
coffee set arrow 60z.jpeg

lungo - black


These 6oz cups were the last in this series I produced - at the repeated request of the coffee industry folks I know. Lovingly referred to as the ‘coffee snob’ around the studio, these Lungo cups are the right size for a professional pour - strong enough to enjoy the coffee flavour and at no risk of ‘milking it down’. If you know, you know.

Signature to the ‘house style’ they are made of porcelain glazed only on the inside, and sanded twice on the outside, making them a tactile delight.

FYI a space saving tip for those that need it:
I stack them vertically (sole to sole) so you get 2 cups in the space of one.

Food safe, dishwasher proof, microwave friendly.
(Life is for living, not hand washing dishes.)

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